this is it~23rdNOVEMBER of 2010
iMADEit alhamdulillah.iMEAN, EXCALIBUR 0812 made so proud laa of you guys..
ade one tyme i mimpi yang i got 8A's,and i was like is that true?keep on praying untill the day come.sampai college around 11am and i saw my batchmates were like screaming!!!arghh!they make me so tension and my heartbeat went so unconstant la kan.the first person that i hug was NAJUE we had been so much experience kott,thats why la cuak sampai tahap takde dah..haha..
sampai 12pm kott menunggu keputusan.ramai jugak ah yang tak datang sebab jauh yang datang i think half of my batchmates..we all like hug each other,talking like nak menghilangkan gemuruh..gelak2 and all those stuff.
SUDDENLY,satu per satu tanpa henti panggilan and sms yang datang mengatakan pasal results ade yang dapat 8A's laa sume dapat 8A's laa,the moment we heard that,we were like screamed macam kene histeria!!BETUL KE NIE??sukar untuk dipercayai.SMSS,CALLS,berjuta tyme tue so everybody was like matikan phone masing2 sementara menunggu results.
SO,bonda dah sampai terus bagi speech. sume berkumpul dekat tengah dewan parents pown boleh masuk tunggu kat belakang,i saw my guru kelas tersayang;PN.JUHANI,serious je denga speech bonda.then boda cakap;
subjek semua A meningkat;bm,bi, agama, math.
104 calon 96 dapat 8A's
TKC still the first~
denga je bende tue,sume orang were like screaming happily.i still cuak kott sebab dont want to be one of the 8 people yang tak dapat 8A's tue.huhu.after the speech sume orang pegi salam bonda ngan cikgu kat situ ,jumpe je bonda terus nangis hug dye.sempat lagi tanye dye dapat 8A's ke tak.hebat.pastu dye kate IZZATI dapat.i screamed,hug and kiss her,tyme tue all the pain that i carried before this rase macam dah hilang serta merta pastu kaki pown rase macam dah takde.haha.cannot stand.terus gi jumpe guru kelas tengok results, and cikgu saje je buat lambat2 sebab nak bagi suspen.adegan JERIT MENJERIT dalam dewan tue memang dah mule dah,TANGISAN KEGEMBIRAAN SUME memang dah, its my tyme cikgu bagi,AAHHHHHHHHH(dempingnye.)
8A's forPMR!!!!!
mama memang happy gile tyme tue,dye kate nie hadiah dye yang the best for this year,
and i was like THANKS mom..ILY<3
giliran abah pulak,he said;CONGRATES IZZATI,you make me so proud
and the he said ape wish??
and i was lyke dah start dah;BLABLABLABLABLA and BLA..haha
i was so happy at that tyme,hug all my frends and all my teachers
kepade RTM yang datang setia menunggu dari pagi sampai petang.anda rock!!
haha,kne interview,gamba masok paper.SUKE!!