Black Eyed Peas - The Time (Dirty Bit)

sweet memories

nak story2!!!
bergambar bersama batch leader gitu. hehe
be4 pmr
eLLyAna Zaidi
Bruno Mars - Count On Me Lyrics
I'll sail the world to find you
If you ever find yourself lost in the dark and you can't see,
I'll be the light to guide you
Find out what we're made of
What we are called to help our friends in need
You can count on me like 1 2 3
I'll be there
And I know when I need it I can count on you like 4 3 2
And you'll be there
Cause that's what friends are supposed to do, oh yeah
Wooooh, Wooooh,Yeah,Yeah
If you toss and you turn and you just can't fall asleep
I'll sing a song beside you
And if you ever forget how much you really mean to me
Everyday I will remind you
Find out what we're made of
What we are called to help our friends in need
You can count on me like 1 2 3
I'll be there
And I know when I need it I can count on you like 4 3 2
And you'll be there
Cause that's what friends are supposed to do, oh yeah
Wooooh, Wooooh,Yeah,Yeah
You'll always have my shoulder when you cry
I'll never let go
Never say goodbye
You know
You can count on me like 1 2 3
I'll be there
And I know when I need it I can count on you like 4 3 2
And you'll be there
Cause that's what frïends are supposed to do, oh yeah
Wooooh, Wooooh,Yeah,Yeah"
aidilfitri tahun 2010!!
MALAYSIA SATU- Faizal Tahir (Lagu Satu Malaysia)
bagi semua pelajar tingkatan tiga,anda belum merdeka...hahaha..lawak2...lagi brape hari je tinggal..pergh...scary..trials macam -_-ape2jelah..yang penting pmr 8A!!!!sure boleh..amin~nway,dis year merdeka kat kolej macam penat arhh sbb after terawih ceramah merdeka tunggu sampai 12 pastu merdeka!!memang penatlahkan..baleQ dorm sume trus landing..mimpi seriously,31 0g0s cuti,no SCHOOL!!but still rse macam skola...hampeh...penat2...pagi petang siang malam study...wooohooo...macam tak caye..oh!lagu nie sangat best!!!!belambak aktiviti dyorang bwat,but f3 officially not involved..Kott...ntah ah..cite pasal merdeka tros ingat sejarah..rse macam warganegare asing pown ade jgk sbb markah sejarah horror sgt...hish!!!!!marahnye..ape yang slame nie aku bace???xmasok-masok2,x masok-masok,bile org cakap;susah sgt ke sejarah??sejarah kne byk bce,hafal...ergghh..muak....kene kaunseling x yah cakap brape kali..berjuta!!for my own good jugak..xpe2..mama kte izzati boleh bwat!!jgn stress sgt pasal bende2 je kuat2!!sure boleh buat!!!hmm...hilang tension..ilymom!!
stuck in the moment
keletihan berpanjangan~
kepenatan menyerlah~
totally feel alone...i cant do this anymore..
this is what we call stuck in the moment...
why this happen to me?feel like drowning right now..
i never thought that it be easy
from now on i have to focus back..
so its up to you
and its up to me
cause we both so distance now..
itupown as usual sampai hari ahad sje...huh~
act this week x boleh baleQ but disbbkan sye ade alasan yg munasabah iaitu;
- family from japan nk dtg
- dh lme x online
- nk tengok final fifa
- nk tengok eclipse
- nk update blog
- dn laen2..
haha..merepek je....tapi yg sebenarnye no.1 tue....gile kelam kabut nk bwat preparation for dyorang..baleQ from class settlekn pas keluar, after that bru start kemas barang,pastu baleq pukul 3 tros pegi subang parade makan...after makan bru sampai rumah around 5..x sempat 1 hour kne kluar again pegi subang parade beli barang rse mcm berjam2 kt situ,then claim abah kt airport and last skali pegi makan kt kedai mamak sambil tengok the proposal..tongeng je cite tue..haha..lebih kurang jam 10.30pm abes sume2...baleQ trus menghadap comp,online!!sampai pagi~gile xde keje..budaq tue janji nk on9 skali tapi x jumpe pown..hampeh~dh ah sambung tgk movie online...chaww!!
plan B!
- 9 july-11 july
itu pown x sure lagi..
tapi ade reason kukuh kerana my foster family from japan nk datang visit!!!
harapkan outing hujung minggu..hampeh...
sye budak bermasalah..haha..mcm tongeng..
sye teraniaye...(doa org teraniaye dimakbulkan kn2?)
- bulan lapan
- bulan 10
meremang bulu roma...haha..
that stupid damn boy was right~
but if i had to, boy i think that you should know
all the love we made could never be erased
and i promise you that you will never be raplaced
1 ari je tggl..
x concentrate langsung
cikgu gile spotting
kau aku siap gune mangkok ayun sume...
sumpah klaka..
tak tau camne tapi cuti nie aq bernaseb baek..
jumpe sume scandel...
lebih kurang ah~
after mendaftar trus masok class
sementare tunggu yg laen layan mp jap..
tibe2 1 group laki masuk class bwat performance
gile best..tyme tue aq ngan budaQ laen tgh lepak..
igtkan ape..msok class trus pasang speaker..
shuffle,tektonik,hiphop sume kluarlah..
part solo punye...
smart dowh,sorang2 menunjukkan bakat masing2..haha..
xleh blah..tgh gempak-gempak tibe2 lagu baby justin bieber
si dye pown trus nyanyi lagu tue kat aq..
gile corntoz..ahakz2!!
part rap x leh blah dye berjaye melakukannye..
ntah ape2 je..
agak-agak 15 minit gitu cikgu masok..
sume ready nak study siap pegang buku...
yang paling x boleh blah,bukannye study
bwat story telling ngan cikgu pasal sekolah aq...
haha...giler khusyuk cikgu dengar...
mane xnye dye penah mengajar kat situ rupenye...
dari 8pm-10pm sesi enjoy~
padahal subjek math ngan sains
tongeng btol..
abes je class kiteorg trus lepak kt kedai mamak
ramai2 makan perut tgh lapa...
dapat slurpee free org blanje...huhu..suke2..
sume lepaskan rindu kt aq
maklumlah dh lme tak jumpe
malam tue mmg best lah~
thanx to;F,I,H,M,A.S,K,F,C.
sebab korang kapel(lepak) ngan aku malam tue
siap belanje lagi..
nnti aq tuisyen lagi okay?
sme2 dapat straight A..
sayang kamoo semua esp F yang first punye..
haha..the end..
zaman kanak2 sye!
- wan hujjatul huda<3
- adillawafi aris<3
- siti amal nooraina<3
- nor adlin
- aimi afiqah
- nur syafika
- siti norashikin
- ainul mardhiah
- nur eizliana
- nur syamira
- nur amiela
- siti nur solehah
- muhd syafiq nabihan
- muhd hilman
- muhd fadzil
- zizie azwan
- abdul raziq
- saiful azlan
- aiman afiq
- syahriz izwan
- muaz
- amirul
- azrul
- mohd solleh
- ahmad naim
- faez afzal<3
ramai lagi sebenanye
tapi nie yang paling sye ingat..
dont worry,i still remember sume orang
they are always in my mind okay?
kepade sume batchmate sye yang pmr tahun nie,
good luck..
8A's kite punye aww...
except for amal tak ambek pmr..haha..gile tak aci..
nway sayang kamoo sume tahap giga+tahap gaban..
This is my heart, it’s not a toy
So what’s with you playing with my mind
We used to be cool, this used to be love
Now it’s become, something like a job
Like it or not, maybe things were changing right before our eyes
I tried to be a picture perfect girl
But you were in your own fantasy world
Tryna control me like some kind of Barbie
but that just ain’t me
Cause I ain’t a doll, this aint a dollhouse
You’re way too old to be, puttin me down like this
and playing around like this
I ain’t a doll, this ain’t a dollhouse
No, I could never be, stuck living life like this
behind these four walls,cause I ain’t a doll
You call the shots, right down to my shoes
I liked what you liked cause you told me to
And i don’t think that you could even tell
I fell out of love, but it never showed
I gave up on us so long ago
But you’ll never know
baby don’t pretend like you know me so well
I tried to be a picture perfect girl
but you were in your own fantasy world
try to control me like some kind of Barbie
but that just ain’t me
I ain’t a doll, this ain't a dollhouse
You’re way too old to be, puttin me down like this
and playing around like this
I ain’t a doll, this ain’t a dollhouse
No, I could never be, stuck living life like this
behind these four walls,cause I ain’t a doll
I’ll never be made of plastic
So glad that my heart’s elastic
No matter what you do
I’ll bounce back offa you
Cut me but I’m not bleeding
I tried to be a picture perfect girl
but you were in your own fantasy world
tryna to control me like some kind of Barbie
but that just ain’t me
I ain’t a doll, this ain't a dollhouse
You’re way too old to be, puttin me down like this
and playing around like this
I ain’t a doll, this ain’t a dollhouse
No I could never be, stuck living life like this
Behind these four walls, I ain’t a doll
And I come with imperfections
Epitome of perfection
if you can’t understand, loving the way I am
then you’re no good for me, so glad i kept my receipt
bahasa jiwa bangsa
acara yang yang akan berlangsung;
rest tyme~
bekalan utk mengelakkan kemengantokkan~
masing2 busy~
lastly the best time of our camp~
yellow house

ngeng time form 2..
gilak2 tyme..
- hangout
- movie
- youtubing
- makan
- bbq
- tido
- online
- study
- ice skating
- menghabiskan duit dgn delivery!
- yg paling penting meronggeng..haha..
gile x puas..
nak cuti lebey2....
che kama nk extend lagi boley x??
golden screen cinema lah;
- lagenda budak setan
- killers
- shrek 3
- karate kid
- toy story
- the A-team
sumpah best...
nk lagi
nk lagi..
fifa dunia cawan..

PMR ohh pmr
x sabar
x sabar nak pmr
tinggal 3 bulan saja lagi
gile cuak~
sye tahu 8A SAYE PUNYE!!!